Sunday, March 29, 2020

How to Get Help With Algebra

How to Get Help With AlgebraWhether you are a beginner in college or just looking for ways to get some help with algebra, it is very important that you know what your options are. Most students are not even aware of all the options they have.As a first-year calculus student, you will be given some practice problems that will take you through the steps of the process of learning algebra. Usually you will also have the option of completing these practice problems by yourself. However, if you want to get more advanced help with algebra, you will probably need to ask for help from an instructor.There are many different kinds of teaching aids that can help you learn algebra. Many of these will be traditional, such as printing worksheets, flash cards, and audio worksheets. Some teachers may even use technology like calculators to help their students do the math properly.If you are a student who has not been introduced to this material, you should start by asking a good teacher to teach you some concepts. This can be a great way to learn the material before you tackle anything too difficult. It is also a way to meet your teacher and make new friends.Most students do not have an experience in teaching themselves how to get help with algebra. In fact, many first-year calculus students are unable to think ahead enough to ask for help when they need it. This is a major issue that has to be addressed in most high schools.You can help your students to get good at algebra by helping them to organize their notes. Try to make sure that you follow a procedure that is easy to remember. Keep track of their progress and see if they are struggling with the material.When you find that they are struggling with the concepts, you should ask them if they would like to get help with algebra. This is usually a great way to show your interest in them and to encourage them to get better at the course. Many students find that this is a life-altering moment and they find themselves wanting to continue with this course after they get back home.Teachers can find that it is quite beneficial to help students with the basics of algebra. The students who benefit the most from this approach are those who are new to the course. This can also be beneficial to students who are struggling and trying to figure out how to move forward with their learning.

Friday, March 6, 2020

9 Jobs That Allow You to Travel

9 Jobs That Allow You to Travel Image via Pexels As the world becomes increasingly globalized, more and more people are taking their talents and abilities with them on a daily basis instead of just hanging them up at the office. Travel for any reason expands the mind, helps you think globally and on top of that, you meet many cool people, try new food, and discover different cultures. So without much further ado, here are some jobs that will satisfy the wanderlust in you and keep you making money along the way. 1. Flight attendants Flight attendants travel around the world. While they are making passengers safe and comfortable, long layovers or delays in exotic destinations may allow them to get in a few days on a beach or to explore the ancient ruins of Hong Kong. While the cabin crew gets a bounty of travel benefits, a high school diploma or associate’s degree and customer service experience are necessary. 2. Roadies and stagehands Production companies for plays, musicals, and theaters as well as musicians and bands go on tour all the time. They also take with them a hefty load of people who make everything run smoothly backstage or behind the scenes. Some theaters have their own crew on hand, but once you get used to traveling with a company, you’ll never be out of work. People like to work with the people they know. 3. Teaching English as a foreign language TEFL, as it is sometimes called, allows you the privilege to work anywhere you want so long as you have good communication connection WiFi, Skype, etc. In many ways, the pay is good and jobs are often accommodated with travel and housing. You may also get to tutor in English for a well-off family or for an entire school in a particular country which leaves awesome room to explore the culture. Certification in English Language Teaching is required in most cases. 4. International humanitarianism If you have skills in crisis management or disaster relief you could be of benefit to aid agencies around the world who need assistance in especially disaster-hit countries or hard to reach areas. Doctors Without Borders and Médecins Sans Frontières  are good places to start to find jobs in medicine, pharmacy, biomedicine, nutrition, and even in finances and human resources. 5. Travel agents If you’re pretty good with people, you may find yourself loving the job of a travel agent. Booking holiday trips, annual vacations, and journeys for family graduations or even pilgrimages might be part of your work. It is also a nice bonus if you do good work for a family or individual so long as they invite you to travel with them for free. 6. Retail purchasing So if you have a flare for fashion and travel, then becoming a retail buyer might be the perfect fit. Along with monitoring inventory inside the store or chain of stores, you will get to attend trade shows held across the country and in elite fashion capitals like Paris. You will also be able to identify products for your company to sell and negotiate merchandising deals. 7. Peace Corps volunteering The word ‘volunteer’ doesn’t exactly mean you’ll be making a six figure salary. But if you want to be a part of a worthy cause and don’t mind budgeting to do so, you can travel the world and make a huge difference as a volunteer with the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps usually offers housing and other benefits. And in the meantime, you will be working to advance education, clean water, renewable energy, and economic development among a host of other important things. 8. Event coordinator When people want to host a party, wedding, baby shower, or other events such as a festival, they want it to be the absolute best. In order to do that, some bring in a person, otherwise known as an event coordinator, who has a real passion for catching the idea of the event, setting everything up, and overseeing it from start to finish. If you like to pull things together and then watching the fireworks come together, this might be the perfect fit for you. Plus, events are being held all the time all over the world. 9. Cruise line Ever dreamed of going on a cruise someday? Well, you can travel in this way more than you imagined you could by actually working on one. On cruise lines, you can be anything from a shop clerk to a restaurant server, assistant to one of the managers or part of the entertainment lineup all while receiving free food and housing. A quick search for cruise line jobs returns dozens of opportunities. There are a few other options too such as working as an au pair, consultant, tour guide, photographer, and construction manager, but these are some of the top ones that can fulfill that wanderlust while you make some cool bucks along the way.

3 Traits You Need to Survive the Restaurant Industry

3 Traits You Need to Survive the Restaurant Industry Image via: Team Player You know the old saying, ‘There is no I in team? If you have not learned this lesson on the basketball court or during a group project in class, you will be forced to learn it when you are working in a restaurant. While you might have all of the energy and initiative to run the restaurant all by yourself, that does not mean you should do so. You need to be able to rely on others throughout your shift. After all, let’s face it. You are one person and in order to operate a restaurant successfully, so many things have to be in action at one time. Someone needs to be manning the kitchen while other workers take orders and serve customers. This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to get so caught up in the hype of each shift that you forget to let others take the reins when you need to focus your attention elsewhere. For instance, if you’re trying to get a table cleaned and prepared for the next group of customers, you cannot be worried about the order that has just been prepared by the cook. In order to succeed in this world, you need to be able to communicate with your fellow coworkers and rely on them to work with you toward the common goal of providing the best grub and customer service for every patron that walks through the door. Multitasker Even if you are working with the best team of coworkers in the world, you still need to be able to think on your feet and multitask. There will be situations where you need to perform several actions and functions at the same time. You might be expected to count the cash register drawer while taking down a customer’s reservation. You will not have time to put these tasks off, as the customer will grow impatient and annoyed, while the employee waiting to have their drawer counted will put the other customers’ transaction processes way behind schedule. It goes without saying that working in a restaurant is a very stressful job. To be successful in this position, you need to be able to keep a level head while multitasking. Without a doubt, you will find yourself overwhelmed at some point and that is perfectly fine. We all find ourselves in that situation. The important thing is that you remain calm and focus on the task at hand. If you can cast aside the anxiety of multitasking under the highest of pressures, you will be fit to work in the restaurant business. Image Professional I’m sure you have seen all of the memes and jokes about what it is like to work in the customer service industry. The sad part is that the majority of it is true. Now, I’m not saying this to scare you, but it is important for you to know what you are getting yourself into when you apply for a restaurant position. Customers can be immature, impatient, petty, and/or just plain rude and nasty. I used to work in the fast food industry at a national chain that I will not name. It was a cruel world because customers would take their frustrations out on me as a cashier. If food took too long to cook, I would take their insults and harsh tones. If they were upset about prices, they would speak to me as if I was the one who set the prices. There was even a time where my manager had a milkshake thrown at him. My point is this: people can be nasty. To survive and thrive in this industry, or any industry for that matter, you need to know how to stand your ground and stay professional even in the toughest of times. It is easy to break down and be nasty to the customers who are being nasty to you. While I wouldn’t blame you for thinking about it, I highly suggest you learn how to keep your professional face on if you want to keep that job. While you shouldn’t allow yourself to be stepped on, you also shouldn’t stoop yourself to the level of the customer. It looks bad on your part and on your restaurant’s part. If you can do your best to keep a happy face on, even in the most irritating of situations, you will definitely survive and thrive in the restaurant world.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Does Et Mean in Organic Chemistry?

What Does Et Mean in Organic Chemistry?In organic chemistry, one of the most confusing terms to learn is a etc. The term ETC means Extraction, Toning and Curing. ETC stands for Extraction, Toning and Curing, which are an important chemical term in organic chemistry. When you learn about this term, you should know that it is used for when a chemical is extracted from an organic compound.When you make these organic compounds, you will extract out certain chemicals that will be used for use in your projects. You need to know these chemicals for the tasks that you will perform. For example, you will extract out esters which will help in drying your beads which will be used for paper mache. It is a good practice to know the different types of chemicals that you will extract from organic compounds before you start.ETC stands for Extracting, Toning and Curing. In organic chemistry, the term ETC refers to two chemical processes. One process is that of the extraction of the chemicals from the organic compound and the other process is that of taming and curing the organic compound. Both of these processes are essential in organic chemistry as they help in refining and purifying the finished product.You need to understand the difference between the two processes and how they work. If you look at the scientific method, you will see that you can not mix two things together without knowing the difference between them. If you mix powdered salt with water, you cannot get rid of the salt, if you mix table salt with water, you would get rid of the salt, if you mix sugar with water, you would not be able to taste the sugar. Therefore, you need to know the difference between the two processes in organic chemistry.ETC stands for Extracting, Toning and Curing, which is a chemical term in organic chemistry. ETC stands for Extraction, Toning and Curing, which are an important chemical term in organic chemistry. When you learn about this term, you should know that it is used for when a chemical is extracted from an organic compound. You need to know these chemicals for the tasks that you will perform.The first thing you need to know about ETC is that it is used for extracting chemicals. This is a process in which you will remove some chemicals from an organic compound. This process will remove the chemicals in such a way that they will be removed from the chemical as well. For example, you can remove hydrogen and oxygen in an alcohol by using an alcohol tester which will remove the alcohol from the carbon dioxide that is present in the air.Once you know about ETC, you will also know about other chemical processes that are essential in organic chemistry. This is important because you need to know about these two processes. For example, you can use the alcohol tester to remove the sulphur from water. The acid is another chemical and you can use the acid tester to remove the acid from the water. By knowing about these two processes, you will be able to make more org anic compounds and learn more about organic chemistry.

Choosing the Best CC Biology Education

Choosing the Best CC Biology EducationCC Biology is considered as one of the best higher degree in the world today. Its study focuses on the study of organisms and their evolution and development. The more basic biological understanding of life is introduced to students.This course is also useful for those who want to take up post-graduate studies in this field and that too with the help of post-graduate entrance examinations. This can be done in the United States, Canada or in some other developed countries. This degree can also be undertaken by those who intend to pursue careers in research and development.The course comprises of two subjects; Biology and Cell Biology. This course provides a wide variety of courses that can lead to various courses such as Microbiology, Parasitology, Genetics, Genetics and Evolution, Anatomy, Medical Anatomy, and Biochemistry among others. The subject also offers several training programs like Natural Science Degrees, Mathematics, Physical Science, Business Administration, Economics, English, and Business Administration.The degree can be acquired via the Certificate and Diploma or the Baccalaureate in Bioscience Degrees. Some colleges also offer post-graduate courses in this field. A number of online colleges are also offering this type of science degree to their students.Online learning can help people acquire good quality education at a fraction of the cost. This helps students to avail of various programs, which are related to science and technology that can help them pursue their career objectives in an ideal manner.These online learning institutions are now offering many modern options like multimedia and audio-visual modules. This makes it easy for the students to retain information and to engage with other students.The advancement of technology has also contributed a lot to the advancement of the online education sector as well. Now, there are many online colleges that offer online courses as well as the degree through which you can go for better career goals.

Good Reasons to Look For the Many Good Free Download PDF Books For English

Good Reasons to Look For the Many Good Free Download PDF Books For EnglishThere are many good reasons to go online and look for the many good free English language learning PDF books for free download. Of course, all you have to do is look hard enough, but keep in mind that the Internet can be a very deceiving place, especially if you are trying to learn a new language.Many people don't want to deal with the hassle of going through all the information that is available and typing in all the information they need on a website to get access to the various PDF books for free download. Instead, they prefer to do it all on their own, which is certainly fine, but it takes away from the information that you are going to get from a good online site.The way you learn English is of course going to differ from person to person, but one thing you can be sure of is that it is the eBook reader and the reading of books, no matter what form, that is going to help you a great deal. One very good reas on to take advantage of the PDF books for free download is that it's the online world that is taking so much of the people out of the world of education. By using online education sites, you are missing out on so many great things.Online schools for example offer a really wonderful program in online education. They will give you all the tools that you need to learn English, including the reading, writing, and speaking of the language.The software that you use to learn is going to be very important, as it will help you learn the language as fast as possible, without all the hassles of using a teacher, or having to wait until next week. You will find many places online that have great guides, and the free download option means that you can get started in just a few minutes.Of course, it is going to depend on what language you have learned in order to determine which type of English you will need to use in order to practice your language in the classroom. Also, some schools will only b e able to teach students from certain countries, so you may have to choose one of those.When you are trying to learn English, the best choice is to take advantage of the website that is going to teach you the language as quickly as possible, and to learn it on your own time. Also, when you are looking for free download, you need to ensure that you are getting a program that is based on the latest technology, and that is going to be able to teach you English quickly.

Tips for Parents 4 Ways to Help Your Child in Music

Tips for Parents 4 Ways to Help Your Child in Music Suzy S. Not sure how to encourage your child in between his or her music lessons? Show your support with the following strategies from Nashville teacher Dave L.: So your child has begged you for music lessons,  chosen an instrument, and is about to begin this new and exciting journey in music what now? Youve just paid a bunch of money for an instrument, instruction books, accessories youre considering the time and money its all going to take in order for them to do this what ELSE can you as their parent or guardian possibly do for your child to help them succeed in their musical journey that the teacher CANNOT provide? This article will give you a checklist of options. The main assumption is only that your child is important to you (obviously!) and you already provide them with a living space some or all of the time. The final assumption is that we as the teacher/parent team want your child to be successful their endeavors. So whats first? 1. Help your child create a special music area. This could be an extra room or their own room. Include items such as a music stand, metronome, perhaps an instrument stand, a place to keep their instruction books, and also an audio source such as an iPod or CD player. This space should be a place where they can play uninterrupted away from outside distractions like their cell phone, pets, friends, and siblings. It should also be an area that is kept clean (by the student) once kids see the value in maintaining this type of area as their own, theyll take pride in ownership, which will spill over into their learning. 2. Understand that interest = practice, and not necessarily the other way around. You obviously want your child to practice as much as his or her teacher does. But neither the teacher nor you as the parent can truly force the student to do this while also expecting them to find enjoyment in playing music. The student must develop an intrinsic motivation to do this. Help your child create a practice schedule that fits with their daily activities if theyre a beginner, 15 minutes a day is a great start. While theyre practicing, peek in once or twice as more of a fan or audience member. Show interest and ask open-ended questions about what theyre doing, like Wow, that sounded really cool how are you making that sound? or Can you show ME how to hold the instrument?   then all of a sudden the student gets to play teacher for a minute and show you what theyre learning, which only strengthens the learning process for them. 3. Help your child create a fun music library that incorporates the instrument theyre playing. Ask your childs teacher for recommendations if you arent sure. Also, bringing them to live concert events that feature a soloist or group playing the instrument of study is a great way to motivate your child. This may also be a nice way to introduce them to music that is exciting to you, as well! 4. Encourage discovery. Allow your child to make his or her own discoveries in music as often as possible. This encourages independence, confidence, and motivation. So many times I see parents come down hard on their kids for not practicing, or smothering the child with criticism, many times with all good intentions (impress the teacher, progress faster, etc.). But its my opinion that this approach isnt best. We want to help them reach their OWN goals. The discovery in this case may be that music just isnt what interests them which is OK! Other students will discover a brand new love for life through music and along the way continue to learn about the world, themselves, and humanity. I believe its our job as educators and parents to help our youth find exactly what theyre looking for. Music is just one of MANY vehicles we can use. Thanks for reading! Dave L. teaches clarinet,  flute,  music performance,  music theory,  piano,  and saxophone lessons in Nashville, TN.  Dave holds a Bachelors Degree in Music Education from The University of Central Florida, and is currently the touring keyboardist/saxophonist for Platinum-selling band Sister Hazel. Previously he  toured with artists such as 80s pop icon Tiffany and Grammy-nominated vocalist John Berry. Learn more about Dave here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by woodleywonderworks

A Student Review of Pennsylvania State University

A Student Review of Pennsylvania State University Rebecca earned her bachelors degree in advertising from Pennsylvania State University. She specializes in Spanish tutoring, AP European history tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Pennsylvania State University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Rebecca: Penn State is located in State College, PA. Its a rural setting, but it almost feels like a small city. The campus is very large, but seamlessly blends into the downtown. The two seem very integrated. I felt extremely safe at all hours of the day and night. The public bus transportation is great for the most part. A car may be needed for grocery shopping off campus, but its not necessary because the bus line does run there. A bike can be useful, too, if you live far off campus and need to get to class quickly. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Rebecca: I found the staff was very welcoming, helpful, and available as long as you were willing to put the time and effort into classes and your academic schedule. I met with countless professors to go over materials for class, worked with TAs to understand topics in larger classrooms, and worked with my academic adviser every semester to set myself up for success throughout my college career. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Rebecca: The dorms were typical of any campus: clean and average sized. I was in an all-freshman dorm, but some of my friends were in mixed grade level dorms. The dining options are excellent and have all types of cuisines, as well as the choice to dine in a hall or to take it with you. I was able to make a large assortment of friends on my dorm floor and building as a whole. We remained close throughout my college career. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Rebecca: Since the school is so massive, there are a large number of programs and schools of study to choose from. Penn State has an excellent law program, communication school, engineering program, and a well-known business school. I studied advertising in the College of Communications because I wanted to work as a creative or account executive at an agency. There were a lot of career and internship, as well as networking, opportunities within my college. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Rebecca: The majority of my friends as a freshman were from my dorm, classes, or clubs I joined. As a second-semester freshman, I joined a sorority and met more individuals through that. Greek life is significant at Penn State, but one can choose not to be in Greek life and still have a thriving social life through different organizations or groups of friends. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Rebecca: The Career Center was very helpful. They had resume workshops, a database full of job listings, and rooms available for interviews by phone or Skype. Many reputable companies recruited at our many job fairs throughout the year. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Rebecca: Since Penn State has such a large campus, its easy to find a study space that works for you. We have various libraries, as well as lounges or quiet corners around campus to study by yourself or meet with a group regarding a project. Describe the surrounding town. Rebecca: Despite the fact that Penn State is located in rural PA, the town of State College is thriving. Downtown, there are a large number of restaurants and cafes that cater to both students and locals. The downtown is also home to boutiques, shops, larger chain stores, and a local theater. One can always find something to do downtown. If one is looking for more things to do off-campus, there are more restaurants, shops, chain stores, bowling alleys, movie theaters, and large grocery stores. The campus and downtown are very close to each other, so students can easily access downtown amenities or go off-campus by a bus or walking. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Rebecca: The student body is quite big. The undergrad population is near 40,000. I loved having a large student body. There was so much to get involved in; you could always meet new people and everyone had so much school pride. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Rebecca: I took a sociology course that I heard was popular my senior year. The professor was kind of crazy, but made the experience extremely memorable. He was very hands-on and made the entire class of 700 people take part in hands-on activities. He also brought up and discussed many topics that are considered taboo or politically incorrect in todays society. Whether or not you agree with what he said, I guarantee that you will leave class mind-blown. Check out Rebeccas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Things to Focus On as an English Major

Things to Focus On as an English Major If you decide to major in English, prepare to do a lot of reading. Of course, most students who choose this field of study enjoy reading anyway, so this shouldnt be much to ask. However, studying English as a major in college calls for a whole new level of reading that you may not be fully prepared for. In addition to that, you will face a larger world of writing but again, this is an activity you hopefully already enjoy. Yet, regardless of how much you genuinely admire reading and writing, there are elements of the English major world that youll need to familiarize yourself with in order to get through these classes successfully. There are different approaches to assigned readings, more complex essays to write, and heavier class discussions to be had. You wont be able to treat this set of classes the same way you treated past English subjects. A different academic lifestyle is required for such an intensive perspective on literature. But if it is something you are passionate about, the appropriate mindset shouldnt be too difficult to acquire. When it comes to the books you will read, be prepared to read a lot of material very fast. In high school, you may have spent a whole semester on a book as an English major in college, you may spend a few weeks on one. Try not to get too freaked out when you give the syllabus an overview on the first day of class and see you will be covering around 10 books in the next 14 or so weeks. The tight page schedule your professor keeps you on may seem like a lot and it probably is but it is possible to carry through effectively. It takes serious discipline, however, to read at the required speed level rather than at your own comfortable pace. If you tend to take your time when reading a novel, youll need to really step up your concentration to complete these tasks on time. Skimmed reading is not an option for English majors. At the very least, it is not an option for those who want to sincerely understand the material. General ideas are not acceptable for papers and tests in the English major world. It is true that all teachers even outside of this world look for better, well-thought-out ideas rather than general ones, but students who are English majors are put up against a much higher bar of standards. You are choosing to study English, so you are expected to draw up a much deeper analysis than other students would. You will have to do whatever it takes to give each reading assignment the serious attention it deserves in order to come up with truly thoughtful insights; these insights cannot be made up or halfway developed. Here are some great tips for reading an assigned book you dislikethat you may find useful one day. Since these reading assignments will be quite lengthy with incredibly fast approaching deadlines, it is important that you master how to give them the intense concentration needed in such a quick amount of time. You cannot rely on summaries or cliff notes because the insights your teachers are searching for will only come from true reading. Observations of specific quotes and passages that cannot be easily identified from those sources are things you should be pointing out. It is necessary to think about not just the story itself, but the authors intentions for it. A big concept English majors are trained to look into is the mindset of the respective writer of a piece. It is never enough to simply analyze the plot and characters alone the actions behind the authors words and plot decisions are extremely significant. Looking into details such as these can genuinely increase a students awareness of the skill it takes to successfully execute this craft. English majors study more than j ust the story, they study the way the story was created and the reasons it was created in that way. You may also want to check out these tips on how to interpret a reading assignment. While on the subject of the authors themselves, another part of being an English major involves getting familiar with who these authors were/are. You will learn about the most notable authors in the world as people and why they are so admired for their work. Get ready to begin recognizing a lot more of these names as if they were current celebrities. They will become more than just bylines to you. When it comes to class discussions, it will be a lot harder to get by without saying much, if that is typically how you treat class discussions. However, if you are applying your best focus to your reading and writing assignments as you should be, then the discussions shouldnt be such a burden. Youll probably find yourself wanting to converse with your peers about these readings. Even if you dont genuinely enjoy the reading as a personal form of entertainment, youll be inclined to discuss it just to improve your comprehension of the main themes and ideas. If you are as invested in the assignments as you need to be, discussions will be the opportunity you have been waiting for to get all of your thoughts out on the table and compare them to those of your classmates. Hearing different perspectives will really round out your understanding of the subjects and most likely inspire you drastically for your next essay topic. Here are some great tips onhow to participate in a class discussion that you may find helpful. Being an English major comes with a truly dedicated lifestyle to reading and writing. This would seemingly be a give-in, but it can be surprisingly overlooked. The seriousness of the matter is that these readings will need to be a main focus in your daily routine. If they are not, your chances of struggling and falling behind will increase. To reiterate, if you have chosen English as your major, then you should already have a sincere appreciation for these skills this is just your time to take it to the next level. Make sure that is something you are ready and wanting to do and this adventure in literature will take you far.